Greenlight ecologists obtain their Level 2 Bat Licence

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There are two types of bat licence available, which permit illegal activities relating to bats and their roost sites. For more information on the bat legislation please click here.

  1. Personal bat licences – given to experienced individuals allowing them to disturb bats.
  2. European Protected Species Licences – required for a development where bats or roosts will be disturbed.

Personal bat licences are based on a four tier leveling system:

  • Level 1 – allows the holder to enter a roost space and disturb bats (not hibernating bats) using artificial light.
  • Level 2 – allows the holder to do everything covered under the level 1 bat licence and handle bats, use a hand-held net, endoscope and disturb hibernating bats (but not handle).
  • Level 3 – allows the holder to do everything covered under the level 2 bat licence and use a mist net and acoustic lure.
  • Level 4 – allows the holder to do everything covered under the level 2 bat licence and use a harp trap and acoustic lure.

2017 saw two ecologists from Greenlight (Diane and Nathan), obtain their Level 2 Bat Licences from Natural England. They have proved they are experienced in bat identification, handling and understanding the legislation surrounding these protected species. Greenlight would like to congratulate both Diane and Nathan on their hard work gaining the necessary experience to obtain their licences.

Greenlight has experience in conducting various work with bats, including Preliminary Bat Roost Assessments (“PRA”), Bat Surveys, Mitigation Licences and Watching Briefs. Please click here for more information on bat surveys or the ecology services we offer. If you require a quote, need further explanation or have any questions, please contact us by clicking here.