Etienne and Nathan attended the East of England Bat Conference held in Ely on the 17th March.
The bat conference gathered a large number of wildlife enthusiasts from ecological consultants, to local bat groups and county ecologists. The conference focused on a range of topics including an update on the work of the Bat Conservation Trust, perspectives of local authority ecologists, bats in churches, the effects of lighting on bats and several research projects.
A range of workshops were also provided to help attendees learn new skills. Nathan attended an introduced to advanced survey techniques workshop, which introduced him to the use of mist-netting, harp-trapping, acoustic lures and radio-tagging/tracking. He learnt when to consider using each method, what sort of questions can be answered and the pros and cons to each technique. Nathan is hoping to gain the necessary experience to obtain a level four bat survey licence and volunteered with the Suffolk Bat Group last year harp trapping for Nathusius’ pipistrelles at Alton Water.
Several stalls were present where attendees could find out about local groups, courses and purchase equipment.
Greenlight has experience with conducting bat surveys and appropriate mitigation works. Please click here for more information on bat surveys or the ecology services we offer. If you require a quote, need further explanation or have any questions, please contact us by clicking here.
If you are interested in joining the Bat Conservation Trust or to find your local bat group, please click here.