You may have heard of a dormouse survey, but how do you know if you need one? As hazel dormice Muscardinus avellanarius are protected by UK and European Union law, it’s important to be aware of what is needed to ensure that this species is protected.
So, What is a Dormouse Survey?
Dormouse surveys are a type of protected species survey that is carried out at a possible development site to determine whether or not there are hazel dormice living there. The survey is carried out by a qualified ecologist and has the capability of determining the existence of dormice through the use of monitoring techniques, like the searching of nest boxes and tubes.
What Happens During a Dormouse Survey?
An ecologist will create a report explaining the subsequent measures to be taken, depending on the findings of the preliminary investigation. If there is suitable dormouse habitat, then it is likely that a mitigation plan will need to be put into place in order to avoid causing long-term damage to the habitat that is already there. As mentioned earlier, hazel dormice are considered to be a protected species under both UK and European law; conducting a dormouse survey is obligatory in the event that there is even the remotest possibility that a development project would encroach on the natural habitat of a dormouse.
Will I Need a Dormouse Survey?
If evidence of dormice or suitable dormouse habitat are discovered at a potential site for development, you will be required to conduct a dormouse survey at that location.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981, the Natural Environment and Communities Act of 2006, and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations of 2017 all provide legal protection for hazel dormice.
If any new developments or sites have the potential to damage dormice or the habitat in which they live, then it is possible that a dormouse licence will be necessary before the works may start.
Why Do You Need a Dormouse Survey?
The hazel dormouse is a species that is known as a “flagship species,” which is a species that can strongly indicate the presence of other species and habitats – this makes them important animals. Their environment is conducive to the survival of a diverse range of other species, as such, people frequently refer to them as “bioindicators.” This means that their existence can be used to measure the integrity of habitats and suggest whether habitats are suitable for other species that are sensitive to changes in their environments.
Where Might You Find Dormice?
Scrub, broadleaf forests, and hedgerows rich in species are the most common habitats in which to discover dormice. Because of laws and protections for dormice, you will most likely be required to conduct a survey if there is even the slightest possibility that dormice are there.
How to Identify a Hazel Dormouse
The hazel dormouse is significantly smaller in size than a squirrel and has fur that is a gingery-brown colour, large black eyes, and a long, fluffy tail.
If you need to book a dormouse survey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team who will be happy to help.