What Do I Do If I Have Bats in My Roof?

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What Do I Do If I Have Bats in My Roof?

Finding bats roosting in your roof can be daunting. Not only this, but it’s important to remember that in the UK bats are protected by law; this is due to increasing loss of habitats and roosts. That’s why, if you suspect you have bats in your roof or anywhere within your property, you should seek professional guidance.

At Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, we understand how confusing it might be to recognise when you need to seek further assistance and who you need to turn to. For example, do you only need them when starting a new development project or when you’re arranging to have work done on an existing property?

In this blog, we discuss bat surveys and answer some common questions our ecologists are often asked.

Do I Need a Bat Survey to Replace My Roof?

Bats are legally protected species in the UK which makes it illegal to knowingly damage habitats and roosts. They often roost in buildings, including roofs, and this is why it’s important to seek help if you’re considering replacing your roof or having any substantial work done to your home and suspect bats are present within your property.

A bat survey will give insights into the presence of bats and the measures needed to mitigate the potential impacts on this protected species.

What To Do If You Find Bats on a Building Site?

Whilst this is on a bigger scale, the same rules apply. If you encounter bats on a building site, careful planning and compliance with legal procedures is required. This is why an initial survey is both suggested and sometimes required for planning permission.

If bats are discovered during the construction process, all work must halt within the area in order to avoid any harm being done to them. It’s also important to seek further advice from professional ecologists to promptly assess the situation and advise on any mitigation measured necessary.

Why Do I Need a Bat Survey for Planning Permission?

Bat surveys, or any other protected species survey, play a pivotal role in the planning process. Local authorities will require evidence of ecological assessment before agreeing to planning permission. These ecological assessments include bat roost surveys, emergence surveys and more.

Without these surveys and professional guidance, planning may be delayed or worse, denied. Early contact with ecological consultants, as well as the inclusion of bat surveys into the planning process, can help speed up approvals and assure legal compliance.

What is the Lifespan of a Bat Survey?

Whilst it’s important to get the survey prior to any work being completed, one of the most common questions is how long do they last? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer as it will depend on several factors. 

There are many different types of bat surveys each with their own life span. The location of the site and if bats are present will affect how and when you’ll need a new one.

However, each survey typically involves numerous visits throughout bat activity season (May-September). Initial surveys may last a few hours, while follow-up surveys and monitoring could extend over several months. The duration also depends on the recommendations outlined in the survey report and any required mitigation measures.

It’s clear that bat surveys are vital for responsible development practices while safeguarding these important animals. At Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, we’re committed to helping clients with ecological compliance. If you suspect you need a bat survey or have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert team who will be happy to help.