Did you know that if you’re planning a development project in the UK, you may need a bat survey for planning permission? Particularly if it involves alterations or construction on buildings or buildings near trees. Failing to comply with these regulations can lead to legal complications and delay your project. This is because, by law, bats are a protected species.
This article will look at the UK legislation and recommendations to help you decide if you need a bat survey before applying for planning permission.
Bat Protection in UK Law
Bats are protected by both UK & EU legislation. The main piece of legislation which protects bats across England, Scotland and Wales is the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). In Northern Ireland, they are protected under the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985.
Bats are also listed as European Protected Species under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended). These regulations are upheld by law and provide strict protection for bats, including their habitats.
When Do You Need a Bat Survey?
Due to the legal implications, local authorities often require developers to consider the impacts of their proposed works on wildlife in the area – this includes bats. This is where the necessity of a bat survey comes in. Depending on the nature of the works and the proximity to bat roosts or foraging habitats will dictate whether or not you need one.
How Do You Know If You Need One?
If your project involves the following, you may need a bat survey:
Building Alterations or Demolitions
If you are making alterations to existing buildings, for example, conversions, renovations, or demolitions, then you may need to consider a bat survey. Or, perhaps your project involves the construction of new buildings, this is also a reason to invest in a bat survey.
Tree Work
Additionally, if the work includes tree felling, pruning or habitat removal, there may be a possibility of bats roosting in the trees. This may require a bat survey before approval of planning permissions.
Development in Bat Habitats
If the project is located in or near areas known to support bat populations, such as woodlands, water bodies, or urban areas with suitable roosting sites, a bat survey may be necessary.
There are many types of bat surveys available; these can range from initial coping surveys to more in-depth activity types. The nature of your project will dictate what type of survey you will need.
Here are just a few common types of surveys:
- Activity Surveys
The specific nature of your development project and its impact on the bat population will be the deciding factor on if you need a bat survey for planning permission.
In order to avoid delays and to comply with legislation, it may be best to consult with ecological experts.
At Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, we’re happy to advise on what bat surveys you may need and offer a whole range of surveys that help developers navigate the regulatory requirements and mitigate potential impacts on protected species.
Contact us today to discuss your project and determine whether a bat survey is necessary for your planning application.