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Greenlight Arboricultural Surveys
  • Covering the East of England
  • Cutting edge equipment and technology
  • Experienced and professional service
Arboricultural Surveys

At Greenlight, we provide professional arboricultural consultancy across the East of England. We have the ability to advise on the arboricultural aspects of a proposed development as a separate service, or together with ecology and landscape aspects of a site. All arboricultural surveys (sometimes known as Tree surveys) and reports are completed by LANTRA qualified tree inspectors and tree climbers.

Read more about specific arboricultural surveys below.

Tree Surveys >

Arboricultural Impact Assessments & Method Statements >

Woodland Assessments >

Tree Safety Inspections >

Tree Surveys

A tree survey is a specialised, technical report completed by environmental consultants to ensure that the growth and preservation of shrubs and trees are taken into account during any development planning processes. They also help ensure trees do not pose any tangible health and safety risks or threats to the structural integrity of buildings.

Our tree surveys and inspections are focused on meeting British Standard 5837:2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction – Recommendations. For the latter, we advise on protection measures to prevent harm to trees during construction projects. As part of our Tree Surveys, a CAD drawing of trees on site, key biometrics and an assessment of their health and value to the site are all included.

The Greenlight team are able to inspect trees from ground level or at height, if required. Inspection at height is useful to further assess potential wildlife interests in a tree, such as bat roosts or nesting birds; we hold the necessary Natural England licensing to provide bat roost inspections.

If you are interested in a Tree Survey for your project, please get in touch today.

Arboricultural Method Statements & Impact Assessments

Arboricultural Method Statements

An Arboricultural Method Statement addresses the issues that are listed in the Arboricultural Impact Assessment if proposed developments or site activities may have an adverse impact on retained trees. For example, works to hard surfaces close to trees, demolition works, installing services, general building and landscaping. We compile a report that contains safeguarding controls to protect the trees throughout construction.

Arboricultural Impact Assessments

These reports commonly follow a Tree Survey; an Arboricultural Impact Assessment is prepared on the basis of the information gathered during the Tree Survey. We compile a report of the potential effects of any tree loss required to implement the design of a development. These assessments are required by the British Standard 5837:2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction – Recommendations.

Looking for more information on Arboricultural Method Statements & Impact Assessments? Contact our team today.

Woodland Assessments

At Greenlight, we can advise you on how best to manage your woodland. Our Woodland Assessments are designed to assist owners with managing their woodlands for specific uses. This could include:

  • Extractive sustainable amounts of firewood
  • Utilising woodlands for long-term biomass fuel requirements
  • Managing woodlands for wildlife

Our aim is to help you with woodland management in any way we can which is why we offer to support with:

  • Assessing for grant applications and statutory permissions
  • Assessing for Forestry Commission New Environmental Land Management Scheme (“NELMS”) compliant woodland management plans
  • Deer management plans and deer impact assessments
  • Botanical, archaeological and protected species assessments
  • Assessing for woodland tree health surveys and planning

Give us a call today to discuss your woodland requirements.

Tree Safety Inspections

Tree Safety Inspections identify hazardous trees, the risk or likelihood of the hazard to cause damage or injury, and the size of the hazard. Where a defect is noted, a priority level is given to recommend remedial works to abate a defect or hazard in the tree. This proactive management aims to improve the condition of the tree stock, keeping trees in safe condition, and allows appropriate record keeping.

If you require a Tree Safety Inspection, please get in touch today.

Greenlight Environmental Arboricultural Surveys

Stay one step ahead with your proposed development by coming to Greenlight for all your arboricultural consultancy needs. We would be more than happy to help with any assessments and advise what actions would be best for your project.

Call us on 01379 413011 for a free, no obligation chat.