As a species, bats are protected under both UK and European legislation. This makes it illegal to intentionally or deliberately take, kill or injure a bat. It is also prohibited to damage, destroy or obstruct access to bat roosts. Under law, we mustn’t deliberately disturb bats.
This is why bat surveys are key when we develop land (both domestically or commercially) as we are ensuring they are protected and undisturbed. Phase one of this process is our preliminary surveys; either our Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Survey (PEA) or Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA) whilst phase two is Bat Emergence Survey or Bat Activity Surveys.
What Are Bat Emergence Surveys ?
Bat Emergence & Re-entry Surveys (BERS) help to determine which species of bat are present, how many, and the type of roost (e.g., maternity, non-breeding, hibernation etc.)
What Are Bat Activity Surveys?
Bat Activity Surveys are performed during the day using walked transect or static detector surveys to determine the absence/presence of bats commuting and/or foraging on a site.
Both Bat Emergence Surveys and Bat Activity Surveys are follow-ups from the preliminary surveys that have already been carried out. These surveys will detail the activity and presence of bats including the types of species and the particular location. Additionally, the survey will need to be submitted with the full planning application along with the details of follow-up or mitigation measures.
What is Involved with Bat Emergence & Re-entry Surveys and Bat Activity Surveys?
Once the preliminary surveys (PEA OR PRA) have established the presence of bats, you’ll need a Bat Emergence & Re-entry Survey or a Bat Activity Survey. An ecologist will visit the site to monitor entry and exit points to gather information on the species, location and population. This data is used to determine the presence of bats on the site as well as the effects of the proposed development will have on the bats. The ecologist will record both visual and sound of inhabiting bats before compiling their recommendations in a report which will be submitted to your local council as part of the supporting documents for the planning permission.
When is the Best Time for Bat Emergence & Re-entry Surveys and Bat Activity Surveys to Be Carried Out?
Bat Emergence and Re-entry Surveys are performed at night-time using bat recording and night vision equipment to confirm the absence/presence of bats in and around a building or tree.
How Much Do Bat Emergence & Re-entry Surveys Cost?
The cost of both the BERS and Bat Activity Surveys can range in price depending on the size of the site needing to be surveyed. Our team are always on hand to talk through the process and provide you with a full quote – just get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.
Why Choose Greenlight?
At Greenlight, we consider our clients’ needs as the top priority and are committed to meeting tight deadlines without compromising quality. Our expert surveyors use cutting edge equipment to ensure all surveys are done quickly and efficiently – allowing to continue with the project without delay.
If you need to book a bat survey, don’t hesitate to contact our expert team today.