Bat Mitigation & Licences

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Bat Mitigation & Licences

Once you have received the report to any prior bat surveys, it’s important you put in place a mitigation scheme which will help you ensure the development meets the regulations.

European Protected Species (“EPS”) Mitigation Licences

Greenlight will help you obtain a European Protected Species Mitigation Licence which is issued by Natural England under the Conservation of Species and Habitats Regulations 2010 (as amended). This licence is to capture or disturb individual bats and to obstruct, modify, or destroy their breeding/resting places.

Overseeing Construction Works

Our team can provide construction support and will conduct a watching brief during construction works, often undertaken under an EPS mitigation licence, to avoid killing or injuring individual bats. This also includes toolbox talks.

Mitigation & Enhancements

At Greenlight Environmental, we provide mitigation and enhancement services in addition to bat surveys. There are numerous forms available with each design being tailored specifically to address issues raised at the site in question.

Previous bat mitigation designs have included:

  • Construction of bat lofts;
  • Saddle roosts for derelict barns;
  • Roosts under roof tiles and behind weatherboarding;
  • The installation of integrated and standalone bat boxes; and
  • Low lighting schemes.

Enhancements may include roost creation, planting of hedgerows and creation of ponds.