There are many different types of Bat Surveys, all designed to help protect the species and ensure that you don’t endanger them throughout the planning and development stage. With the population of bats slowly declining, it’s important that you take the steps necessary to protect them.
There are two initial surveys that can be done as preventive steps: The Preliminary Ecology Appraisal survey and the Preliminary Roost Survey.
What is a Bat Preliminary Ecology Appraisal (PEA) Survey?
The Preliminary Ecology Appraisal (PEA) Survey is required as a first step to address the ecological aspects of a planning application. A PEA is an initial site assessment to identify habitats present on site that may support protected species. This assessment can be conducted throughout the year and includes a desktop study, site visit and a Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment (“PRA”) if buildings and/or trees are present on site. Recommendations for necessary further bat surveys and appropriate mitigation and enhancements for the proposed development result from PEAs.
How Much Does a Bat Preliminary Ecology Appraisal Survey Cost?
The cost of a Preliminary Ecology Appraisal will vary depending on land and time needed to conduct the survey. If you would like to find out, please get in touch with our expert team where they can provide you with a full quote for a survey.
When is the Best Time for a Preliminary Ecology Survey to Be Carried Out?
A PEA survey can be carried out throughout the year. The survey involves assessing the building and site for evidence for bats, therefore it can be done regardless of whether the bats are in hibernation or not. This will inform the surveyor if any further surveys are required.
How Long is a Bat Preliminary Ecology Survey Valid For?
The answer to this will change depending on your location. The majority of surveys will be valid for at least 12 months, if not 24, but this can change depending on the requirements of your local authority.
Additionally, bats like to move around and do not remain in the same place for life. So, it’s best practice to get a new survey for different projects.
Why Choose Greenlight?
At Greenlight, we are dedicated to providing professional advice and essential services to steer development and other projects through planning policy and environmental legislation.
For more information on our Preliminary Ecology Appraisal surveys get in touch with the team today.