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Construction Support & Ecological Method Statements

Greenlight Environmental Consultancy can provide construction support and ecological method statements to accompany impact assessments or protected species surveys.

Construction Support

Construction Support refers to the required monitoring and reporting function to ensure wildlife legislation requirements are met during development. If your development needs to proceed and there are risks to protected species that may be present, we can provide a licensed ecologist to be on site to oversee operations and deal with protected species under the relevant Natural England licence.

We are experienced in providing Ecological Clerk of Works duties to major civil engineering projects and can give you peace of mind that your project is always compliant. Our recommendation is to undertake a survey and assessment of the risk of protected species before this decision is made.

Biodiversity Enhancements, Ecological Method Statements and Management Plans

Ecological Management Plans and Method Statements are often prepared to discharge a condition as part of the planning permission and are designed to safeguard biodiversity.

We prepare reports in accordance with recommendations in the British Standard BS42020: 2013 – Biodiversity – Code of practice for planning and development. Our reports are tailored to address your planning condition and will include information on timings of sensitive works, risk assessments of potential impacts, and mitigation and enhancement measures.

Measurable Biodiversity Net Gains

Measurable Biodiversity Net Gains (“BNG”) is a relatively new approach designed to leave the natural environment in a better state as a result of the proposed development. This approach involves a series of calculations using the DEFRA Biodiversity Metric to compare the habitats on site pre-development to the anticipated habitats post-development. This provides a quantitative answer (percentage change in habitats, hedgerows and rivers) and is designed to steer mitigation and compensation to protect environmental features. BNG can be achieved through creating or enhancing habitats on-site or off-site.

If you require more information regarding these ecological surveys, please get in touch.