Ecological & Environmental Impact Assessments & Habitat Regulations Assessments (“HRA”) can be provided by our team. We ensure excellent service, thorough research and honest ecology consultancy.
Ecological Impact Assessments (“EcIA”)
An Ecological Impact Assessment is a process of identifying, quantifying and evaluating potential effects of development-related, or other proposed actions, on habitats, species and ecosystems. Generally, it is comprised of a PEA and Protected Species Surveys and is often undertaken as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment.
Our reports provide recommendations for mitigation necessary to ensure obligations with respect to biodiversity are met.
Environmental Impact Assessments (“EIA”)
An Environmental Impact Assessment is required on larger developments that are triggered by The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations. An EIA is the entire process whereby information about the environmental effects of a project is collated and assessed, then utilised in the decision regarding whether a project should go ahead or not.
Greenlight can prepare reports that feed into the production of EIAs and provide an assessment for a range of environmental impacts using our network of specialists. Our team have experience with larger developments, such as the installation of multiple wind turbines, intensive livestock structures and major housing developments. We employ the practices for EIA as promoted by the Charted Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.
Habitat Regulations Assessments (“HRA”)
A Habitat Regulations Assessment is required for developments that may have an impact on European Protected (Natura 2000) sites. It considers the impacts of a land-use plan against conservation objectives of the site, ultimately ascertaining whether it would adversely affect the integrity of the site.
We have extensive expertise in HRA Screening and Appropriate Assessment reports, with particular experience in HRAs relating to potential impacts on Protected Sites.
Give us a call today to discuss these assessments alongside your project details.