Greenlight ecologists regularly volunteer for the Suffolk Bat Group (“SBG”) through participating in bat box checks, harp trapping sessions and fundraising opportunities. SBG are fundraising to purchase harp traps (specialist equipment designed to catch bats), which will allow for members of the public to engage with bats on a more regular basis. Their current fundraising project is through the Aviva Community Fund. Aviva has promised £200 to the project, and £1,000 if the project secures 1,000 votes.
Voting takes a couple of minutes. All that is required, is to sign in/register and then search for ‘Suffolk Bat Group’ and cast your votes. Each person has the ability to cast 10 votes, split across as few or as many project as they like. To read the full project description, please click on the heading below, or alternatively please click here to cast your votes. Voting closes midday on 21 November 2017.
Fundraising Project Description
The Suffolk Bat Group (“SBG”) is a specialist group of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust (“SWT”) and has been running since 1984. It is the county’s main point of contact for all bat conservation related issues and works to safeguard these species through protecting, enhancing and creating hibernation sites, establishing bat box projects and conducting surveys using bat detectors and computer software on barns and churches. The group provides training sessions on bat identification, ecology and sound analysis. Group members regularly assist Natural England in protecting bats through advising householders, churches and landowners.
Over the past 6 months, SBG has worked in partnership with the Essex Bat Group (“EBG”) to conduct three trapping sessions, which allow members of the public to engage with these protected species through handling. The SBG is looking to purchase specialist bat survey equipment (a harp trap and associated lure equipment), to allow these trapping sessions to continue. These sessions will not only allow members of the public to engage with bats and learn about their ecology, but allow the long term monitoring of these species, particularly in wetland and woodland. Access to specialist equipment is key for bat surveys, and this equipment can make bats accessible to a wider community than just dedicated bat workers.
Members of SBG come from a wide range of backgrounds and areas, from students to those who have retired, and from both rural and urban parts of Suffolk. The opportunity to use group equipment and access to free training means that there is no reason why anyone cannot play an active role in protecting bats across the county. Promotion of the surveys using the local press and national websites will provide opportunities for anyone to access this training. Equipment will be used by SBG members, and will not preclude anyone from benefiting from this project. Publicity for our mentoring scheme will encourage the general public of all ages to access training and equipment, and develop new skills and learn more about the world of bats.
Membership of SBG is open to all by donation of £5/year, which will provide security against loss/damage of this equipment. Surveys will be arranged at various locations across Suffolk at Suffolk Wildlife Trust reserves. The surveys will be run by SBG with 20 places available for each survey, with surveys being conducted on a regular basis during the bat activity season. Liaison with partner bat groups will help promote these events and encourage anyone living locally to attend. Training will provide those attending with the confidence to undertake surveys using a bat detector in their own locality, ideally linking to community groups, and will be available to both beginners and experienced bat workers. These training sessions will allow members the opportunity to join an existing survey as a team member or to learn the ropes before taking on their own survey.
Greenlight has experience in conducting various work with bats, including Preliminary Bat Roost Assessments (“PRA”), Bat Surveys, Mitigation Licences and Watching Briefs. Please click here for more information on bat surveys or the ecology services we offer. If you require a quote, need further explanation or have any questions, please contact us by clicking here.